Please choose the conference options below by clicking “Add to Cart”. A shopping cart containing your options should then appear under “PGG News” in the right hand margin. If it doesn’t, refreshing the page should fix it. When finished click on “Checkout”. On the checkout page you will be able to review the order, fill in your details and be redirected to PayPal where you will be able to pay securely using a credit card. This is by far the most efficient method for us but if you really cannot pay this way please contact us to discuss other possibilities.
Everyone must add one “conference package”, this bundle includes everything except accommodation (e.g. meals, conference dinner, transport etc). There are variants including student and Genetics Society discounts. You should also choose the accommodation you require.
Accommodation 1; Tuesday 4th Jan
Bed and breakfast at Thwaite Hall
Accommodation 2; Wednesday 5th Jan
Bed and breakfast at Thwaite Hall
Accommodation 3; Thursday 6th Jan
Bed and breakfast at Thwaite Hall
Standard conference package
This bundle includes all non-accommodation costs of the conference, including meals, conference dinner, transport to and from campus etc.
Standard conference package GenSoc discount
Select this option if you are a member of the Genetics Society, you will receive a £10 discount on the standard price. This bundle includes all non-accommodation costs of the conference, including meals, conference dinner, transport to and from campus etc.
Student conference package
Select this if you are a student and you will receive a £20 discount on the standard cost. This bundle includes all non-accommodation costs of the conference, including meals, conference dinner, transport to and from campus etc.
Student conference package GenSoc discount
Select this if you are both a student and a member of the Genetics Society and you will receive a £30 discount on the standard cost. This bundle includes all non-accommodation costs of the conference, including meals, conference dinner, transport to and from campus etc.
Proceed to CHECKOUT