About Population Genetics Group
The Population Genetics Group (PGG or PopGroup) is a yearly international meeting held in the UK. It covers all aspects of Evolutionary Genetics and a good feel for the typical content can be gained by downloading some of the previous years’ programmes. It is an informal meeting, with typically 150-200 participants, and an excellent place [...]more →Twitter @popgroup
- Plenary speakers this year are Michael Lynch, Hopi Hoekstra, and Steve Jones #popgroup45
- Registration for #popgroup45 closes this Friday 9th Dec. Only a few places left.
- Popgroup45; only 1 week of early-bird registration left. Prices go up next Thurs 24 Nov. #popgroup45
- Registration now open for 45th Population Genetics Group, Univ of Nottingham, Jan 4th-7th 2011. http://t.co/VsKCi4Up #popgroup45
- Thanks to everyone who attended. A really high standard of talks and posters. Next year's meeting at Nottingham, 4th January.
- #popgroup44 Robert Ekblom talk will move from Friday to 15.00 Thurs LT2