Registration for PopGroup45 in Nottingham (4-7 Jan 2012) is now open!
Registration fees include everything except for accommodation which you need to book separately. Fees are £170 (full), £160 (full + Genetics Society member), £150 (student), £140 (student + Genetics Society member). Registration closes on Friday 9th December.
Booking is in two parts. This is unfortunately necessary because 1) we are unable to take online payments and 2) accommodation is managed separately by the University, not the organisers.
1. a) Complete the online registration form . Your details will be automatically forwarded to the organisers.
1. b) Download the registration PAYMENT form, fill it out, and post/fax payment for registration (only) to us at the School of Biology. Note: this payment does NOT include accommodation! (pdf version)
2. Go to the separate accommodation tab on this website, choose option 1 or 2, then contact the University Conference Office for reservation and payment.